Hake and shrimp cake

With the arrival of good weather we opted for lighter and fresher meals. This fish cake is a very good option, although we can taste it hot, it is perfect warm or cold, accompanied with a rich sauce and a salad, it can be a magnificent and nutritious unique dish.

It is also an excellent option to recycle those fish and seafood remains that sometimes remain in the fridge or freezer and that do not arrive for a family meal. It will be good if we only do it with one type of fish, but it is also very rich if we mix different fish.
Ideal for kids and those who like clean fish, without a single thorn.

It is very easy to elaborate and the result is exquisite. Perfect to do it in advance and take it in the tupper or find food made around the work;)

Do not hesitate to prepare it. You will love it


  • 300 gr of white fish (hake, sea bass, sea bream, cod, monkfish ...)
  • 8 gambones (or prawns, prawns, mussels ...)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 Greek natural yogurt (125 gr)
  • 300 gr of homemade fried tomato
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil or butter
  • 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs


We take to the fire a casserole with the fish covered with water and salt. Once it starts to boil, remove from heat, cover the pan and leave the fish in 5 minutes.

Drain the fish , we dry it with absorbent paper and we crumble it, removing skins and spines. We booked.

We beat the eggs , the yogurt and the fried tomato (TRICK: I took a homemade tomato sauce that I had left over from a preparation with cod and red peppers)

Mix the hake crumbled with the egg, yogurt and tomato smoothie. Salpimentamos.

Peel the shrimps . I put them on, because I had several hanging around in the freezer and I found the opportunity to spend them on this preparation. Although the recipe wins with them, they are not essential either.

We spread a mold suitable for the oven, with a light layer of olive oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, eliminating the excess.
Pour half of the mixture and distribute half of the prawns, continue pouring the rest of the preparation and finish with the other half of the prawns.
We took to the oven preheated to 180º, with heat up and down (I also put the air) for 45 minutes. (We click with a skewer to check that it is in its point, it has to come out clean)

We let temper and unmold. div>

We can serve it hot, cold or warm. It is very delicious, but it is very good if we accompany it with a tomato or mayonnaise sauce or with peppers and even a salad.


If you are going to prepare it in advance, leave it in the fridge well wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.